The main objective of the labor mediation service is to adequately fulfill all the functions of placement agencies labor or labor mediation service, ie providing conditions for connection between THE DEMAND , represented by the employers in Romania, in search of labor,and THE OFFER represented by foreign persons skilled in Nepal, looking for a job in order to establish appropriate relationships, ethical and legal work.
SC MAGIC & BEST AGENCY SRL , called MEDIATOR1, provides comprehensive labor mediation for those in search of labor, called EMPLOYERS and those seeking work for employment, called CANDIDATE ; negociate conditions of the contract with the employer for the applicant, in accordance with Romanian legislation in terms of confidentiality and protection of personal data. Labor exchange (in accordance with art. 59 of Law 76 and Art. 5 (2) of Law 116/2002) represents Ombudsmen work, bringing together employers, called employers with people looking for a job, called candidates, the establishment of employment relationships or service.
Mediation services provided by SC MAGIC & BEST AGENCY SRL called MEDIATOR1, consisting of the transmission of applications for labor by partner agency placement of labor in Nepal, White Pearl Recruitment Services (P) Ltd., Sukedhara, Kathmandu, Nepal, hereinafter referred MEDIATOR2; Mediator two will be properly informed about vacancies in Prahova, Romania and the conditions of employment imposed by the employer; preselection of candidates is requisite employers and consistent with the training, skills, experience and interests; write resume; Record a video to YouTube channel; interview and preliminary testing is done by Skype; MEDIATOR1 MEDIATORULUI2 forward the results of this stage; Mediator2 shall initiate legal proceedings referring to the successful candidate in Romania; after arriving in the country to interview candidates will be finalized at the logs in the presence of employer and labor mediation structure; employer will conclude the legal work or the candidate will be sent back to Nepal state.
*Subtasks and responsibilities:
– Record file organizing employers and employers seeking qualified candidates from Nepal; establish, together with the employer, job characteristics and criteria for employment in private and personal data protection; mediator1-employer under the contract; AIF;
– Record Nepalese candidates and organizing files, drafting European CV, in confidence and personal data protection; according to the contract mediator1-mediator2; FIM;
– Updating databases on employers and candidates; according to the contract mediator1-mediator2; – audio-visual recordings for useful visualization employer, psychologist, expert in employment, youtube channel and Skype; assessment of the candidate; according to the contract mediator1-mediator2; – Interviews remote (electronic) for preliminary pre-selection of candidates; will be carried out in the presence of the mediation structure, YouTube and Skype; candidates will be established that will make traveling to Romania; will make legal briefings; will check the candidate’s documentation; conclusions; mediator1-employer contracts; Under the contract mediator2 candidate;
Transport by public transportation (taxi Katmandhu, Kathmandu flights Bucharest Otopeni Railway Station taxi, train Bucharest Logs, Logs Station taxi-Str. Urlatorii # 26) from the mediator1 mediator2; according to the contract mediator1-mediator2; – Interview conducted face-to-face in the hall dedicated to the activities of Logs in the presence mediation structure (minimum psychologists, translators, administrator or member mediator1, employer); conclusions – accepted, rejected; FIM, individual media sheet; – takeover candidate by the employer for employment, in legal terms; – Sending candidate or back in Nepal.
SC MAGIC & BEST AGENCY SRL and partner of Nepal, White Pearl Recruitment Services (P) Ltd., Sukedhara, Kathmandu, practically achieved an interface bridge between employers and candidates, Nepalese- Romanian;
SC MAGIC & BEST AGENCY SRL provides any legal activity aimed at fulfilling its business objectives accredited NACE 7810. Electronic service labor mediation service is provided free to both employers and people looking for a job.
SC MAGIC & BEST AGENCY SRL recovers its costs for auxiliary services (transportation, life insurance, food, accommodation and other services than labor mediation) of the candidate foreign or Romanian employer, not on both sides, according to a contract. Expenditure for ancillary services is not a standard amount charged by SC MAGIC & BEST AGENCY SRL, it is based on the costs operated and is highlighted in the mediation agreement made between the Agency, mediator1 and foreign political candidates or between agency mediator1 and employer may be charged with the agreement of the parties, a financial advance the mediation agreement, the corresponding costs for some of the support services provided by mediator1.